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  • Writer's pictureMr. Richard Penn


Mr. Richard Penn reports


Black Tusk Resources Inc. has provided a summary of its mining projects and exploration completed in 2021. The company owns mineral claims in British Columbia and Quebec, Canada.

The following provides an update of each of the Black Tusk properties. Information provided herein has in part been compiled from prior news releases that summarized results individually from each of the different projects.


Back Tusk has five properties located within the Abitibi greenstone belt of Quebec, which hosts many world-class mineral deposits. The properties are as follows:

  • McKenzie East;

  • MoGold;

  • PG Highway;

  • Golden Valley;

  • Lorrain;

  • McKenzie East.

McKenzie East Property

The McKenzie East property comprises two claim groups separated by one kilometre. The larger northern group totals 1,964 hectares over 42 claims, with the south totalling 178 hectares over four claims. The property is located 30 kilometres north of Val d'Or, Que. The property adjoins the McKenzie Break project of Monarch Mining Corp. At McKenzie Break, gold mineralization is reported as visually distinctive one-centimetre-to-two-metre-wide quartz-carbonate veins and vein complexes containing gold.

Black Tusk has completed a ground induced potential survey, an MMI (mobile metal ion) soil sampling survey, a drone-supported airborne magnetic survey and diamond drilling on McKenzie East. In 2021, Black Tusk completed 2,587 metres of drilling over eight drill holes on the property. Results include 1.185 grams per tonne gold over one metre from hole MKE-21-01 as well as intercepts of greater than 0.5 gram per tonne from holes MKE-21-03, MKE-21-06 and MKE-21-08 (see news release dated July 13, 2021). Black Tusk noted that drill hole MKE-21-03 showed the most promise during the drilling campaign, which included a section of core that contained a visible gold grain. The section containing the visible gold returned a weighted average of 0.61 gram per tonne gold. However, the coarse fraction (metallic assay) contained 8.01 grams per tonne, indicating that coarse gold was a significant part of the overall content.

Black Tusk is pleased with the results from the exploration of the McKenzie East project to date. A permit has been obtained to continue diamond drilling in 2022. The phase II program will continue to test the promising results obtained from the phase 1 drilling, as well as testing other geophysical targets delineated from ground and airborne surveys conducted on the property in 2020. A permit to allow for the construction of 15 drill pads with supporting access has been approved.

MoGold and PG Highway

The MoGold and PG Highway projects total 2,400 hectares over 43 adjoining claims that are directly accessed by Highway 397, approximately 30 kilometres north from Val d'Or, Que. The claims cover areas that were historically explored for gold and base metals.

In 2021, Black Tusk completed drone magnetometer surveys over the PG Highway and MoGold projects. A total of 153 line kilometres was flown with a Scintrex CS-VL cesium vapour magnetometer. The results of the survey provided highly detailed geophysical images that assist in geological and structural interpretation of the underlying bedrock. Black Tusk's geologic team conducted reconnaissance-level geological rock sampling over the two properties. The objective was to sample historically documented mineralized areas as well as prospect for potentially new mineralized zones. A total of 108 rock samples were obtained.

The Black Tusk geologic team reported that reconnaissance included locating historic trenching on the PG Highway property. Rock samples from these trenches contained significant sulphide mineralization, consistent with that described in the historic reports. Historic diamond drilling of this mineralized zone returned up to 9.6 metres of near-massive to massive pyrite and pyrrhotite within basaltic rocks (see previous news release). The TMC magnetometer survey clearly maps a greater-than-600-metre elongated magnetic high that is suspected to be associated with pyrrhotite mineralization.

In 2021, 69 rock samples were obtained from the MoGold property and 24 samples were obtained from the PG Highway property. Some elements of interest returned elevated values, including a series of channel samples that returned elevated copper of 921 parts per million and 959 parts per million in an area of sampling on the MoGold claims. The highest gold values were returned from channel samples taken from the PG Highway claims, with 0.035 gram per tonne, 0.019 gram per tonne and 0.015 gram per tonne from samples that were highly mineralized with pyrite. Samples with elevated copper and/or gold were noted in some cases to contain elevated silver (to 0.65 part per million) and zinc (to 1,135 parts per million) (see news release dated Jan. 10, 2022).

Dr. Mathieu Piche noted that there is potential for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposition on these claims based upon the geology and some of the geochemical characteristics as well as the presence of near-massive to massive pyrite and pyrrhotite located on the PG Highway claims. Historic diamond drilling of this mineralized zone returned up to 9.6 metres of near-massive to massive pyrite and pyrrhotite within basaltic rocks (see previous news release). This VMS potential will be further evaluated in the coming weeks, with plans for geophysical surveying (deep-penetrating electromagnetics) and diamond drilling as possible future work in 2022.

Golden Valley

The Golden Valley property consists of 37 claims totalling 1,852.4 hectares located within the Laberge district, 170 kilometres northwest of Val d'Or, Que. The claims are located 26 kilometres south of Hecla Mining Corp.'s Casa Berardi mine. This property was drilled by Black Tusk in 2019. The drill program comprised 1,458.2 metres over 11 holes within the property. The holes ranged from 125 metres to 201 metres in length. The drill holes were spread over an approximately four-kilometre strike length within favourable geology. Drilling was designed to verify historic gold-bearing intercepts and test geological and geophysical targets interpreted from existing regional data.

The best gold results were obtained from drill hole GV-003 that returned 0.335 gram per tonne gold over two metres (weighted average from 62 metres to 64 metres). As well, drill hole GV-001 returned 0.155 gram per tonne gold over two metres of core intercept (see news release dated Oct. 2, 2019)


The Lorrain property covers 2,208.4 hectares in 38 contiguous claims. The claims were staked to cover the Guimond-Church mineral showing reported to consist of disseminated pyrite, magnetite and chromite in altered ultramafic rocks. The area was interpreted as having potential for platinum group element (PGE) mineralization.

In 2021, Black Tusk completed a total of 323.3 metres of diamond drilling over three holes on the property. These initial drill holes were designed to verify results from a 2001 drill hole completed by Exploration Tom Inc., where recorded assay results for copper, nickel, platinum and palladium were considered significant by the Black Tusk geologic crew. However, in efforts to twin the historic drill hole, Black Tusk's field geologist noted that the depth of overburden was significantly different than that shown on the historic log and the hole was abandoned after coring only eight metres into bedrock. Holes LO-21-02 and LO-21-03 were then stepped to the north in search of other possible locations to verify hole LA-01-06.

Hole LO-21-01 intersected fine-grained andesitic bedrock with minor veining and pyrite. Hole LO-21-02 intersected serpentinized ultramafic rock with magnetite. Hole LO-21-03 intersected fine-grained andesite with lamprophyre dikes and traces of sphalerite (see news release dated June 20, 2021).

A magnetic-high feature targeted in the 2021 drilling outlines the ultramafic rocks that are targeted for PGE (platinum group element) mineralization. The highest platinum and palladium results were from hole LO-21-01 (abandoned at eight metres into bedrock) which was set on the co-ordinates provided on the historic drill log. The Black Tusk geologic team is currently assessing the 2021 drill results, with potential for continuing hole LO-21-01 to the targeted depth of 200 metres in order to fully test the mineralization potential.


South Rim Project

In British Columbia, Black Tusk completed a reconnaissance rock sampling program on the South Rim property. The South Rim property comprises four claims totalling 1,771.33 hectares. The project is located approximately 140 kilometres south of Smithers in central British Columbia.

The Black Tusk crew obtained 19 rock samples from the property during the site visit. The majority of these were of vuggy quartz-carbonate veining (epithermal style). The highest gold result returned was 1.5 grams per tonne (parts per million) taken from a two-metre-wide shear zone containing vuggy quartz. This shear zone, where mapped, appears to be quite extensive and may require more in-depth sampling to ascertain the full gold potential. Other veins typically returned 0.1 gram per tonne to 0.4 gram per tonne gold, with up to 4.9 grams per tonne silver, from narrow veins or float blocks (see news release dated Sept. 30, 2021)

The rock sample results support that the quartz and carbonate vein system sampled on the property contain elevated gold and silver values. Black Tusk expects to return to the property in 2022 to 2023 to undertake a more thorough mapping and sampling program.

Perry Grunenberg, PGeo, a qualified person as who is defined under National Instrument 43 101, has reviewed and approved the technical data disclosed in the press release.

"Two thousand twenty-one was an extremely active year for Black Tusk in regards to exploration on our properties, and we look forward to advancing our projects further in 2022," stated Richard Penn, chief executive officer of Black Tusk.

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