Mr. Richard Penn reports
Q Battery Metals Corp. has provided an update of its targeted sampling and mapping projects for June, 2023. The geological team recently completed sampling at the La Corne South lithium project north of Val d'Or (see Q Battery Metals news release dated June 20, 2023) and sampling for Ni-Cu-PGE (nickel-copper-platinum group elements) at the Lorrain project located immediately south of Lorrainville, Que. As part of the targeted exploration of its claims in the Val d'Or region, the Q Battery team conducted a geologic review and sampling of the Maruska showing.
The SIGEOM (Systeme d'information geominiere du Quebec) database notes that the Maruska mineral showing was discovered by prospecting in 1989. It is described as quartz veins cutting massive diorite and granodiorite of the Pascalis-Tiblemont batholith. The mineralization is in a subparallel set of narrow quartz veins varying between five centimetres (cm) and 25 cm thickness, trending for at least 185 metres. Mineralization consists of pyrite, native gold and native silver disseminated in quartz veins. Historically documented samples from the Maruska returned 241.8 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au) and 97.3 g/t silver (Ag) (sample 9051), 107.2 g/t Au (sample 9002) and 97.2 g/t Au (sample 9050) (GM 49855). The Q Battery Metals team notes that a significant area of surface stripping at the Maruska has revealed sporadic quartz veining trending in east-west and north-south directions over an approximate 100 m by 100 m area. The stripped area is within 150 metres of the Q Battery McKenzie East claims.
Q Battery Metals exploration crew recently undertook a reconnaissance and sampling of quartz veins at the Maruska.
Q Battery Metals is very interested in this high-grade gold showing due to its location very near to the south block of the company's McKenzie East claims. However, the reader is warned that results obtained from adjoining properties are not direct indications for potential on the Q Battery Metals claims.
While at the Maruska, Q Battery Metals obtained a rock sample that included chips from a number of the exposed quartz-pyrite veins. The sampling is to verify the gold and silver content of the veins. The sample is to be submitted to ALS Laboratory in Val d'Or for analysis.
The McKenzie East property is located adjacent to the McKenzie Break project, owned and operated by Monarch Mining Corp. Monarch completed a gold resource estimate in February, 2021, with open-pit and underground indicated resources of 145,982 ounces and inferred resource of 250,593 ounces gold (National Instrument 43-101 technical evaluation report on the McKenzie Break property, Feb. 11, 2021).

From 2020 to 2021, Black Tusk completed a ground induced polarization (IP) electrical survey, a mobile metal ions (MMI) soil sampling survey, a drone-supported airborne magnetic survey and diamond drilling on the McKenzie East project. In 2021, Black Tusk completed 2,587 metres of drilling over eight drill holes on the property. Results include 1.185 g/t Au over one m from hole MKE-21-01, as well as intercepts of more than 0.5 g/t from holes MKE-21-03, MKE-21-06 and MKE-21-08 (see Black Tusk news release dated July 13, 2021).
Q Battery Metals exploration programs undertaken in Quebec are supervised by Dr. Mathieu Piche, OGQ, with an office located north of Val d'Or. He is also a Q Battery Metals company director. The company has 100-per-cent interests in mineral claims within Quebec and British Columbia, with exploration targeting critical and precious metals.
Perry Grunenberg, PGeo, a qualified person as that term is defined under NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.
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