Board of Directors
Richard Penn
Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Board & Director
Mr. Penn first started off in the capital markets industry in 2009 as a stockbroker. Richard worked at Mackie Research Capital after attending the Canadian Securities Institute, completing the (Securities Course & Wealth Management designations). Before leaving the brokerage industry in 2014, Mr. Penn helped take Five Star Diamonds (TSX-V: STAR) public on the TSX Venture Exchange, then advancing into the public company sector. In late 2014 Mr. Penn IPO’ed a new company, Maccabi Ventures which then went on to become Curaleaf Holdings (CSE: CURA). Mr. Penn is currently a Director of Rain City Resources (CSE: RAIN), a mineral exploration company trading on the CSE Exchange. Richard is also a director of Abitibi Metals Corp. Mr. Penn is one of the founding Directors of Q Precious & Battery Metals and is the company’s President & CEO.
Krystal Pineo
Chief Financial Officer
Krystal Pineo is the founder of KP Capital Inc, a family office and corporate advisory firm. Krystal was a co- founder and former director of Yield Growth Corp a CSE listed company offering a collection of high efficacy, plant based products for optimum health and wellness. Krystal was a board member of CSE listed Ultra Brands Ltd an agri-food holdings company focused on innovative products and technologies in the food services industry. Krystal is the also the acting COO at AbsolemHealth Corp. a company focused on creating natural solutions for human health optimization through functional and medicinal products. In 2022 Krystal formed Quartier Minerals Inc a privately held battery metals focused project generator.
Perry B. Grunenberg
PGeo; Cheif Exploration Geologist
B.Sc. GEOLOGY, University of British Columbia. Professional Geoscientist. President of the Kamloops Exploration Group and a director of the Association for Mineral Exploration in B.C. Past Mine Geologist within the Cheni Gold epithermal vein mine in the Toodogone region of BC; Exploration for diamond-bearing kimberlite throughout the Northwest Territories; Exploration management including the search for low-grade, bulk tonnage gold, high grade epithermal and mesothermal gold vein, room and pillar silver-lead- zinc mine exploration, and tungsten skarn, and copper and molybdenum porphyry projects in USA and Canada.
Dr. Mathieu Piche
Director; Geologist
Dr. Piche has over 35 years of experience exploring for mineral deposits in the Abitibi greenstone belt. He was a past recipient of the Quebec Mineral Exploration Association's John-Descarreaux Award, bestowed to highlight the contribution of an individual to enhanced geoscientific knowledge linked to mining exploration, as well as The Quebec Geologists Order Merite Geoscientifique Award.
Advisory Board
Ken Kuiper
Senior Advisor
Mr. Kuiper is the founder of Ellis Park Media, a GIS and aerial survey company, focused on catering to the resources industry. Studying Earth Sciences at the University of Western Ontario, Ken gained experience working internationally with several companies, including the United Nations, MAG Silver, and was a key consultant of several acquired companies, including: West Timmons Mining (Sold for $319 M), Northern Empire (Sold for $150 M), Balmoral Resources ($150 M) and Corvus Gold ($175M).
Earnest Brooks
BSc; PGeo; CIM
Mr. Brooks brings a wealth of experience and mining knowledge to Black Tusk Resources. He has worked on the TPW property for Explor Resources Inc., primarily compiling data, Timmins, Ont., mining camp for the past several years.
He was a mining geologist for Patino Mines (Quebec) Ltd.'s underground mining operations, as well as mining and exploration geologist for Brunswick Mining Ltd., Bathurst, N.B., a large open-pit and underground trackless mining operation. He has been president of the NBPDA several times since 1992, and was elected Prospector of the Year for work in the Plaster Rock area of New Brunswick in 1997 to 1998.
Gary MacDonald
BComm; MBA
Mr. MacDonald has over 25 years of natural resource experience, specializing in mining operations on a global basis. Mr. MacDonald holds a bachelor of commerce from UBC and a master of business administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Mr. MacDonald's roles have been all-encompassing from field to boardroom. Mr. MacDonald has been the president and chief executive officer of American Mining Corp. since 2006 and currently holds numerous board positions in the resource sector.

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Vancouver Office
500- 666 Burrard St.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6C 3P6
Office: 604-736TUSK (8875)